June 05, 2007

Directory of Lawyers in New Zealand

Now here’s a tip for finding a lawyer in New Zealand.

Try this website of the Auckland District Law Society


There is a tab at the top that says “find a lawyer”

Click here then use the search functions to search lawyers

by lawyer type, surname, town, or district within New Zealand.

The New Zealand Law Society also has a useful web page.

You can Google search using this keyword phrase to see.

There is also a directory of lawyers put out by Brookers

So you will need to visit this url: http://brookers.co.nz

A directory like this is useful if searching for addresses

to post a sales proposal or a mail out to many lawyers.

Alternatively you can use the NZ yellow pages or the

NZ white pages in the telephone directory:

Auckland Law site url : http://www.adls.org.nz

Directory of Lawyers in New Zealand

Legislation sources - how up to date are these Reference Team memo summary below, of interest to others who deal with the public...

"In Hastings Library we hold printed copies of NZ Statutes and Regulations and these are updated several times a year. We received reprinted Statutes and Regulations a couple of times a year.

==> Interim website of New Zealand Legislation (hosted by Brookers) - updated monthly Acts and Regulations -current versions with amendments incorporated. Search and browse.

==> Knowledge Basket: - Has only unconsolidated legislation, i.e, not updated within legislation.

==> Bills and Supplementary Order Papers (SOPs) Browse only.

==> Acts -- original versions (amendments not incorporated), and reprints published
since 1/11/04. Browse only.

==> Regulations -- original versions(amendments not incorporated), and reprints
published since 1/10/03

Our Brookers New Zealand Law Partner Legislation and Cases Database is the most up to date version, being updated within 1-3 days of receipt of assent copies of Acts and hard copies of Regulations...."

Public Access to Legislation (PAL) Project - almost there.

"The PAL Project is designed to improve the way in which New Zealand Legislation is made available to the public. The aim of the project is to provide public access to up-to-date official legislation in both printed and electronic forms. Electronic versions will be available free via the internet." More at http://www.pco.parliament.govt.nz/pal/

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